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Justice Kyle’s gag order.

This gag order is not only an abuse of the process of the court it is an embarrassment for the other judges in the Court of Queen’s Bench who believe in fairness, charter rights and equal justice for all. Justice Kyle was overheard by people in the doorway saying to Johanna Lucas that Justice Hrabinsky is a friend of mine.  The prosecutor was not asking for anything other then the normal conditions that Mr Lucas keep the peace.  It was justice Kyle’s conditions to protect his friend Justice Hrabinsky.

The Honourable Justice L. A. Kyle’s January 8th 2004, CONDITIONS;

1. To keep the peace and be of good behaviour.

2. Appear in Court when required to do so.

3. Have no contact directly or indirectly with Justice Paul Hrabinsky.

4. Have no contact directly or indirectly with any Judge or any Court in the Province of Saskatchewan unless required by law.

5. Not phone or contact the offices of any Court in the Province of Saskatchewan unless required by law.

6. Have no contact with Rod Donlevy or with anyone associated with his place of employment either directly or indirectly.

7. Not to publish or cause to be published in any format including electronic format, nor to distribute or cause to be distributed or displayed any material referring to Justice Paul Hrabinsky or any Judge or Justice of any Court in Saskatchewan without the express written permission of this Court.

8. Not to publish or cause to be published in any format including electronic format, nor to distribute or cause to be distributed or displayed any material referring to Rod Donlevy or any other member or past member of the Law Society of Saskatchewan without the express written permission of this Court.

9. Not to publish or cause to be published in any format including electronic format, nor to distribute or cause to be distributed or displayed any material referring to Brian Dueck or any other member or past member of any police force without the express written permission of this Court.

10. Not to place any poster in any public place without the express written permission of this Court.

11. Not to be in the City of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan except for Court appearances or for medical appointments with consent of the Crown. ( … “or for the purposes of meeting with counsel or prospective counsel…” AMENDED BY JUSTICE G. N. ALLBRIGHT THIS 13TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2004 …. )

12. Not to communicate in any way on a website or e-mail with anyone regarding his Court case, or anything that pertains to child sex abuse in the Province of Saskatchewan. He can download but he can’t upload information on his computer in relation to these matters.

13. The following was designated # 13 by the accused, John David Lucas…
On July 6th, 2004, The Honourable Chief justice W. F. Gerein, varied the above ORDER with the following;
“Order that the Undertaking is Amended by adding that Mr. Lucas may attend at any time in the City of Saskatoon for the purpose of visiting his wife at the Royal University Hospital while she is having to renam there as well as to accompany her to any consequent medical appointments…”

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