Star Chamber Proceedings



Satanic Ritual Child Abuse Nightmare

Ross, Ross and White

Supreme Court of Canada - Decisions - R. v. R. (D.)


The Satanic Child Abuse Cases in Saskatchewan started when Cpl. Brian Dueck took his file to Terry Hinz.  The Ross Ross and White case was the only case that made it to a trial that involved the Ross Children and Saskatoon Police officer, Brain Dueck.   Matthew Miazga, Brian Dueck and Carol Bunko-Ruys, were later found by justice Baynton to have maliciously prosecuted the Kvello/Klassens.  The Kvello/Klassens were charged at the same time as the parents of the Ross children and prosecuted separately.    The Ross, Ross and White case is not well known because of court ordered bans and secret courts.

I am reading the transcript of the Ross, Ross and White preliminary hearing. This was the first of the satanic ritual child abuse cases in Saskatchewan. The hearing was conducted by his Honour Judge R. G. Finley, Provincial Court of Saskatchewan.  M. K. Miazga was the Crown prosecutor.  The information was sworn by Brian Dueck, Saskatoon Police Service.   Donald Leo Ross, Helen Susan Ross and Donald George White were charged along with 14 others with sexual assault against the Ross Children, Michael, twin sisters, Kathleen and Michelle.  If there was ever a case that went terribly wrong right from day one, this is it.  What Saskatchewan Justice allowed to happened to the Ross children was sick, discussing and perverted child abuse.  Three seriously dysfunction children with a history of being abused were placed into the hands of seriously dysfunction radical religious extremists within Social Services and Saskatchewan Justice.

If there was ever an argument to be made against appointing radical religious extremists to positions where they have control over the lives of ordinary people this is it.  This is a direct result of patronage appointments to Saskatchewan Justice and Social Services.  These people were targets for anyone with the knowledge of how to deceive and manipulate. The judges, prosecutors and police were used by people to proliferate their own self interests.  It is not difficult to lead people around by the nose when they lacked the basic common sense needed to realise that what the Ross children were saying could not be true.  They were all lead around by the nose and when they realised what was happening they protected themselves instead of protecting the Ross children.  Radical religious extremists within Saskatchewan Justice, Social Services and the Saskatoon Police Service were then protected and promoted in a unsuccessful attempt to keep the public from finding out about the Ross, Ross and White case and what happened to the Ross children in the Thompson Special Foster Home. 

The satanic ritual nightmare started when the former Saskatchewan Progressive Conservative Party of Grant Devine was in power. Judges, lawyers and employees of Saskatchewan Justice and Social Services who for the most part can be traced back to law firms with strong connections to the church, the Knights of Columbus and the patronage appointments by the former Saskatchewan Progressive Conservative Party of Grant Devine have engaged in a ongoing cover-up.

The judicial appointment process was turned into a sham with the appointment of lawyers to the Court of Queen’s Bench with the qualifications needed to bury the truth. This process opened the front doors of the courts in Saskatchewan to common thieves and blackmailers.  The likes of Lynne Greenhorn, Audrey Brent, Nicolas Stooshinoff, and Brent Gough only have to give Justice Hrabinsky, Justice G A Smith or Justice Dovell a phone call and they will take charge of cases involving their corrupt court proceedings.  

The people responsible for the safety of the Ross children did not have to call anyone for protection. It was Saskatchewan’s radical judicial juggernaut to the rescue. They have had vast prior experience in the legal judicial art of cover-up of racism, church wrong doings, corruption, lying and deceiving the public. When the public started to take an interest in what happened to the Ross children and the satanic child abuse cases it became obvious that this hand full of nut case judges would not be able to keep the truth buried.  This became clear after the Lucas’s were jailed. There were not enough corrupt prosecutors or judges like Hrabinsky to jail all the others charged with defaming Brian Dueck. 

This is also true of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. The same judges who took charge of the satanic child abuse cases, and the related cases involving the cover-up would not be able to continue hearing cases without drawing public attention to themselves.  They needed the help of newly appointed judges to do their dirty work for them in the lower court.    What happened to the separation of church and state?   

I will be commenting on the pre-trial and trial transcript of the Ross, Ross and White case, herein after referred to as a sick witch hunt by religious nut cases. I can see why Saskatchewan’s radical judicial juggernaut would go to such extraordinary legal lengths to bury the truth about this case. I have been left speechless after reading the first volumes of the preliminary hearing and the testimony of Brian Dueck at the time of trial.

The Devil made me do it


Saskatoon Crown Prosecutor Terry Hinz said after reading the Klassen sex abuse file he received from Cpl. Brian Dueck. "I was completely floored when I read the documents". "It made me feel I was transported back into the 17th century reading about the Salem witchcraft complaints."

Author Paul Johnson, in his book, A History of the American People, Phoenix Giant, said on page 82 “The ostensible facts of the Salem case are not in dispute. Early in 1692, two children in the household of the vicar of Salem, Samuel Parris - his daughter Betty, aged nine, and his niece Abigail, eleven - began to be taken with hysterical fits, screaming and rolling on the floor. Their behaviour affected some of their friends. Neither girl could write and they may not have been able to read. They were fond of listening to the tales of Tituba, a black female slave who formed part of the household. When the girls’ behaviour attracted attention, they were medically examined and closely questioned by their credulous father and local busybodies. The girls finally named Tituba as the source of their trouble and she, under pressure to confess witchcraft, admitted she was a servant of Satan, and spoke of cats, rats, and a book of witchcraft, “signed by nine in Salem.” Two names of local women were screamed out by the girls, and this set off the hunt.”

In Saskatoon, children, some with health problems aged nine and eight were looked after in a special foster home run by the Thomson’s. Their foster home was not special because anyone in the Thomson home had any expertise in dealing with children with special health problems. It was special because they had expertise in dealing with children processed by the Devil. The children were encouraged and rewarded by the Thomson’s and the interrogators of the children who were anxious to hear about devilish activity to confirm their preconceptions , the children intuited their needs and supplied it.

In Salem a special court was set up. Its proceedings were despicable. the court was finding innocent people guilty to justify its existence. Innocent people who pleaded guilty were released, those who pleaded not guilty or refused to plead were hanged or pressed to death. It was an open court as one would expect in the land of the free. The rule of law broke down.

In Saskatchewan there was no special court set up. The courts excluded the public and media and accepted the evidence of children who any parent hearing what they were saying would have told them, “if you keep talking like that I will wash your mouth out with soap.” Innocent people were being charged and sent to jail. The rule of law broke down.

Salem is not just famous for the hysteria that left people unable to think for themselves in the summer of 1692, it is also a story of the American peoples resolve for justice and truth. The lead witch hunter believed if the trials were pursued the work of the Devil would be exposed and this would benefit mankind. Author Paul Johnson, in his book, A History of the American People, said on page 85. “The Salem trials, then, can be seen as an example of the propensity of the American people to be convulsed by spasms of self-righteous rage against enemies, real or imaginary, of their society and way of living.” “We have here a phenomenon by no means confined to the 17th century. Perhaps the best insight into the emotional mechanism which got the Salem trials going can be provided by examining some of the many cases of child-abuse hysteria, and cases in which children were alleged to have been abused by Satanist rings, occurring in both the United States and Britain in the 1980s and 1990s. The way in which children can be encouraged, by prosecuting authorities, to “remember” imaginary events is common to both types of case. The Salem of the 1690s is not so far from us as we would like to think.”

What lead up to the Salem and Saskatoon hysteria is strikingly similar. The similarity ends there. A community leader returned to Salem from England in 1692 and he said that it was the hunting of witches that was the work of the Devil and it was the Devil that led foolish men to do the work of the Devil by hanging innocent people. The court in Salem was abolished. The General Court of Massachusetts passed a motion deploring the action of the judges. Jury members signed a statement of regret. Indemnities were paid to family members of the victims hanged. Some of those who made false statements later confessed. It was over in Salem in about a years time. This is outstanding, in 1692 the people confessed to unlawful activity, paid compensation and searched for the truth. The rule of law was restored. This was the result of leadership, Christian values and a society that valued good old common sense in doing what was proper, it was the right thing to do.

In Saskatchewan the people did not know what happened, when the authorities came to their senses the people responsible in government and the courts did just the opposite to what happened in Salem. A good number of people in authority were not capable of coming to their senses, they live in their world of hysterical delusions year round, to this day they believe that they saved the people of Saskatchewan from clever cultists who were baby killers, drinking blood and eating eyeballs and worked with "brood mares" -- women who breed children specifically to sacrifice them.

For over ten years the government of Saskatchewan and the courts engaged in the cover-up. The media and reporters who published information about the cases were charged and off to the court with them. People discovered that two eight year old girls making the accusations were in fact being sexually and physically abused and it was not being done by the people who were charged. They picketed to let the people know that the girls were being raped with the full knowledge of the court and officers of the court. They were charged and off to jail with some of them. In a way there was a special court set up in Saskatoon. It did not deal with the sex abuse cases, it was set up to deal with the cover-up of the child-abuse hysteria, the brake down of the rule of law and the worst case of child abuse at the hands of government officials and courts in Saskatchewan history.

The appeal of the Baynton Judgement is nothing short of a government protecting itself, the court and the people responsible. As we have seen with Mr Dueck, no one is going to be held accountable. Brad Wall, the Leader of the Official Opposition, said in his Christmas interview that the scandal of the century in Saskatchewan has to do with potatoes. There is a lack of a credible Official Opposition in Saskatchewan. The people have no voice in Regina. If the NDP party feels a need to protect the people of Saskatchewan from the Devil and Satanist rings the good Reverend Lorne Calvert and his coalition church at work gang need to stop using government agencies and the court, resign and build a church in Riversdale.

Richard Klassen is being encouraged to run in the next civic election in Saskatoon for the mayor’s chair. Open a bank account in Riversdale for donations to his campaign fund, I encourage Mr Klassen to run in the next provincial election in Riversdale. The people of Saskatchewan and Riversdale need a voice in the Legislative Assembly. The campaign platform could be an independent inquiry into the administration of justice in Saskatchewan. He could say to anyone that ask him why if he decided to run: “The Devil made me do it”.

The satanic ritual child abuse nightmare was fuelled in Saskatoon by the media, social workers, police officers, government ministers and above all judges who had no regard for the health and welfare of wards of their court. The public image of their court came before families and children.

The Ross children were seriously dysfunction children in need of professional medical help. They did not get any help. Everyone who was directly involved with the Ross children at the time of the first satanic ritual child abuse preliminary hearing and trial knew this. The children were in the control of sick social workers, prosecutors, doctors, child therapists and judges. These brain dead idiots were allowed to use the children and the courts to advance their believe that children were being sexually abused by members of a cult that engaged in ritual child abuse. The taped evidence and transcripts of the Ross, Ross & White preliminary hearing and trial that was banned from publication by court order is incredible.

Volume 1, page 69

Mr. Borden: Your Honour, I beg leave to address the court. Of course, I’m only hear as a member of the public but, as I understand it, there’s going to be an application made, and I was wondering if I could come to the other side of the bar to make an application for respect to my being able to attend this preliminary hearing, insomuch as I act for one of the co-accused.

The Court: Well, I think that - I think you’re premature, depending upon - there’s been no ruling made with respect to exclusion at this time.

Mr. Borden: No, but I want to make an argument before that ruling is made.

The Court: Alright, come forward.

Mr. Borden: For the record, I’m Robert Borden, I represent four accused persons, and each of those persons are alleged to have sexually assaulted the complaints in this preliminary hearing.

The Court: The same complainants?

Mr. Borden: Yes.

The Court: Alright.

Mr. Borden: It is necessary that I be able to sit in the courtroom, take notes of the evidence, not to participate in any other manner. I think it’s important that I be able to hear the evidence and note the demeanour of the witnesses, to determine what procedural matters have arisen and therefore be able to prepare adequately for my clients’ defence. I would ask therefore to be able to sit in this courtroom during this preliminary hearing, either under an order, a conditional order, or to beg the Court not to make any order that involves exclusion of the public.

The Court: Alright, thank you.

Volume 1, page 108

Ann Wallace: Your Honour, if I may, Ann Wallace, I’m here representing the Star Phoenix. After the adjournment this morning, I was contacted over the lunch hour on the matter of the publication ban, and I’d ask leave just to be heard on - or on the ban of the public. I’d ask leave just to be heard for a moment on that issue, on behalf of the media.

The Court: Well this, Mr Miazga, the very first sentence of your Section 486 says: “Any proceedings against an accused shall be held in open court, ..” That’s the premise.

Volume 1, page 110 - 111

Mr Miazga: Well, I would like to clarify. It’s not the position of the public. The Crown is here representing the public. That’s the position of a private corporation that sells newspapers. To equate them with the public, I would submit, is a fallacy. They’re representing private interests, not the interests of the public, those interests are being represented by the Crown in this particular case. And the public in this particular case, the prime concern is the witnesses in this case, not some newspaper and whether or not they’re going to get some story they can publish in tomorrow’s paper.

The reason this order is being made, and pardon me for getting moderately upset about this, but I find it very distressing that a newspaper, the so called public community newspaper, comes in here and is objecting or opposing to an order that’s made for the protection of children in a very difficult case.

The Court has the power to make this exclusionary order for the proper administration of justice and that’s why the Crown is making this application.

The Court: That has to be the primary concern.

Mr Miazga: Yeah, that is the prime concern, not whether or not a newspaper can be here. And I note, thankfully, that no other media are here objecting to it, it’s only the Star Phoenix that sees fit to take that position.

Page 117

Ann Wallace: Your Honour, if I may, first I think that the Prosecutor has forgotten about the freedom of expression that we have in the Charter and one of the aspects of that being the freedom of the press, which includes access to these sorts of proceedings….

Another comment made by Mr Miazga: Page 114

“There’s absolutely nothing that’s interfering with the right of the press or media at all by the request the Crown has made, other than their own obscene curiosity to be here and hear about what happens at the very moment.”

Robert Borden, the media and the public were banned from the court room. Mr Miazga was found years later guilty of maliciously prosecuting Robert Borden’s clients. Mr Miazga statement “other then their own obscene curiosity to be here” has been a strategy that has been perfected by Saskatchewan justice to discredit anyone who dared question the actions of Saskatchewan justice. Ann Wallace must have been a super women to get her self into the court room on such short notice. That is the only reason she was the only representative of the media in court and Mr Miazga “getting moderately upset “. Mr Miazga had to keep the public out, he knew if the public heard the children’s testimony he would have been laughed right out of the courtroom.


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