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Lets Make a Deal

John and Johanna Lucas were imprisoned after corrupt court proceedings in Saskatchewan.  They tried to inform the public about the danger the Ross children were in. Johanna and John Lucas were offered a deal in the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal.  No jail was the offer, no deal was the answer. John Lucas was offered a deal after his last arrest, no jail was the offer, no deal was the answer. A willingness to go to jail to bring the publics attention to the Ross children, corruption and injustice, is an expression of the highest respect for the Rule of Law.

The essential difference between rule of law and rule by law.

“There is an essential difference between rule of law and rule by law. Countries with no real claim to democracy may have rule by law. One person - or a select group of people - may make the law according to their whim. They may do so arbitrarily, or without announcing the laws beforehand, meting out sanctions when people fail to obey.

Rule of law is different.  Rule of law means that all exercise of power - whether by the Prime Minister and executive, the elected members of Parliament, or by the most minor functionary - must be authorized by and fall within the bounds prescribed by the law.”

 - The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin

This is not rule of law, it is rule by law.

I received the letter from the court dated February 24, 2004 after I collapsed in the court house. I was on the floor just by the court registry for twenty minutes. This resulted in a morphine injection at emergency. This is what can happen to men in family court who have a neurological movement disorder and are required to represent themselves. This was after a letter from my doctor was ignored by the court that said, “The court events before the treatments will seriously affect his health and must be delayed". The court proceedings were not delayed, again resulting in a morphine injection at emergency.

I received the letter dated May 10, 2004 from Audrey Brent. I did not attend at the trial three days later as I was told it had been adjourned.

I received the court order made by Justice Dovell on May 13, 2004. There was no application under Section 193 of the rules: “when a trial date has been assigned to any proceedings, it shall only be adjourned on the order of a judge upon application by a party and supported by affidavit. R. 193, Gaz. Jan. 18/91.

"UPON this action coming before a Trial before Madam Justice M.L. Dovell"

The court order committed Justice Dovell as the trial judge under Queen’s Bench Act section 18 (b): all proceedings in an action or matter that are subsequent to a hearing or trial, down to and including the final judgement or order, shell be heard, determined and disposed of before the judge before whom the trial or hearing took place.

There was no pre-trial or trial, I was being set-up by Justice Dovell and Audrey Brent. This is not rule of law, it is rule by law. Audrey Brent’s and Justice Dovell’s law.

These two sick angry women have conspired to assault and blackmail a disabled man. It gives a new meaning to “working for women”. This is in retaliation for reporting two lawyers to the Saskatoon police for filling a false claim of lien under The Builders Lien Act. Audrey Brent and Justice Dovell were law partners for years in the late eighties. The lawyer I reported to the police joined the firm in 1990.

I helped a homeowner with a Motion to have a lien removed from his property. He detailed the scam in his affidavit. The chambers judge and lawyer verbally attacked the homeowner in chambers and he was rushed to the hospital in serious condition three hours later, he was in the hospital for three weeks.

Lawyers are using The Builders Lien Act to blackmail home owners in Saskatoon. They do it with the protection of the justices of the Court of Queen’s Bench. This is not just corruption, it is a perverted idea of justice.

Audrey Brent and Justice Dovell’s Cooked Up Court Order

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