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“To John and Johanna Lucas, with happy memories of shared experiences and a hope for a more just society." - Howard McConnell |
The 14 Year Judicial Persecution of Johanna and John Lucas Saskatchewan’s Shame |
Judicial Corruption
A Free and Just Society can not be maintained for our children and grandchildren without accountability.
R v. John David Lucas. The Crown entered a stay of proceedings on August 24, 2006. Mr Lucas received the news by mail on August 28. Star Chamber Proceedings will keep all the names of the people responsible for this travesty of justice and details of the 14 year judicial persecution of Johanna and John Lucas on this site until hell freezes over. Saskatchewan Justice needs to publicly apologises on behalf of the people of Saskatchewan for jailing JOHANNA ERNA LUCAS. John & Johanna Lucas
Lets Make a Deal
John and Johanna Lucas were imprisoned after corrupt court proceedings in Saskatchewan. They tried to inform the public about the danger the Ross children were in.
Johanna and John Lucas were offered a deal in the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal. No jail was the offer, no deal was the answer. John Lucas was offered a deal after his last arrest, no jail was the offer, no deal was the answer. A willingness to go to jail to bring the publics attention to the Ross children, corruption and injustice, is an expression of the highest respect for the Rule of Law.
The Persecution of John Lucas
The story told on this Blog is about John Lucas, his wife and three Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) children, twins girls aged 5 and their brother aged 8 apprehended by Saskatchewan Social Services in February of 1987.
John Lucas Trial On Star Chamber
R v John Lucas The Gag Order Court Dates
I will not stand by and allow the prosecution to secretly obstruct justice and interfere with my husband’s witnesses… J. E. Lucas THESE PEOPLE HAVE NAMES !
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied
A last minute Application has been made by Charita Ohashi, Crown Counsel Civil Law Division to have the Subpoena issued to Don McKillop, Saskatchewan Justice, Civil Law Division Quashed.
The application will be heard by Mr Justice Ball at the Court of Queens Bench, Saskatoon Saskatchewan on September 6th, 2006 at 11 AM
The Ross children were apprehended in 1987 by Social Services in Saskatchewan. They were three seriously dysfunctional Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) children, twin girls 5 and their brother aged 8. They were showing signs of unusual sexual behaviour. This unusual behaviour attracted the attention of extremes who at the time were caught up in the Satanic Cult religious hysteria sweeping through the community of Saskatoon and surrounding area. The children were in desperate need of medical help and were placed in a foster home run by crazy people hand picked by religious extremes within Saskatchewan Justice and Social Services. They were soon under the control of a police officer and child therapist. The children’s parents and friend were the first to be jailed in secret court proceedings that resulted in a frenzy of religious nut cases charging people without any evidence in the Saskatoon area. The Ross twins were left in the foster home for 43 months to be raped, sodomized and tortured as the administration of justice and Social Services conducted a judicial cover-up that is still going on to this day. There is something wrong with these Christians in Saskatchewan. They are attracted to the sexual abuse of children and knowing left the Ross Twins to be raped and kept a daily record of the atrocities happening to the Ross Children within the foster home of horrors. The judicial 16 year cover-up by judges who left children to be raped is not something that Saskatchewan should be proud of.
Only one women, Johanna Lucas had the courage to stand up for these children. After writing and sending documents to people in authority and receiving no help for the children in 1993 Johanna picketed and was arrested and charged with criminal libel under section 300 of the Criminal Code. She was charged with defaming a police officer who was being protected by Saskatchewan Justice until public pressure resulted in his being sacrificed, along with a Crown prosecutor, and the child therapist found guilty by Justice Baynton of malice for prosecuting innocent people 15 years later.
Johanna Lucas’s husband, John Lucas, was arrested the following day and they were both gagged, jailed and have been persecuted by Saskatchewan Justice for over 14 years. John Lucas was arrested again and charged in September 2003 with defaming Justice Paul Hrabinsky at the time of the above civil trial.
The very same people responsible for Saskatchewan’s Satanic child abuse nightmare 16 years later paid the Ross Twins $6,511.63 per month, each, for being left to be raped and tortured for four years in Saskatchewan.
Johanna Lucas was jailed in Saskatchewan by radical religious judges to protect the administration of justice and Social Services. These fools thought the public would be outraged and they placed the integrity of the administration of justice above the rape of children. Johanna Lucas has a web site supported by her family, saskatchewanjustice.ca.
She is attempting to keep her husband from being jailed again. There is no one more deserving in Canada of being recognized by Canadians for public service and protecting children then Johanna Lucas. She could use the help of Canadians who have not become numbed and left feeling helpless by injustice in Canada. Her husband will be unrepresentative by legal council in the Court of Queen’s Bench, Saskatoon Saskatchewan at 11 AM on September 6, 2006.
The post on saskatchewanjustice.ca clearly shows how corrupt Saskatchewan Justice has become.
The 14 year persecution of John Lucas by Saskatchewan Justice has very little to do with the law. It is a vicious political religious persecution by the very people responsible for the Satanic Child Abuse nightmare in Saskatchewan and those who have engaged in a 14 year cover-up. Johanna and John Lucas wanted only one thing 14 years ago. Help the Ross Children.
Saskatchewan Justice has engaged in a 14 year cover-up and now the government of Saskatchewan is again using the Ross Twins. This is a new low for Saskatchewan Justice. Most people in Saskatchewan would agree that there are serious problems with the administration of justice. Most people realise that they have no control over the travesty after travesty of Saskatchewan Justice. They can do nothing but pay the millions in damages and concentrate on what they have control over.
The people and the government of Saskatchewan has lost control of Saskatchewan Justice. It is in the hands of the incompetent and the corrupt. Take the time to attend at the Court of Queen’s Bench in Saskatoon on September 6th at 11 AM. End the corrupt persecution of Johanna and John Lucas. The agreement of the Ross Twins settlement should be stopped. Everyone in Saskatchewan needs to realise that what is being done to the Ross Twins by Saskatchewan Justice is no different then leaving them to be raped for four years.
Trial: Recent Events
Mr Lucas is charged with defamatory libel under section 300 of the criminal code. Mr Lucas and his wife were previously charged with defamatory libel and jailed in Saskatchewan when they tried to help the Ross children. The Ross Twins have recently received a settlement from the government of Saskatchewan. Johanna and John Lucas were jailed by Justice Hrabinsky in corrupt court proceedings. Supreme Court upholds criminal defamation. What they were saying 14 years ago about Brian Dueck is still true today. This has been supported by the Baynton Judgement and the Ross Twins settlement of there lawsuit against the Government of Saskatchewan and Brian Dueck. Mr Lucas has been charged again, this time around its not Brian Dueck, its Justice Hrabinsky who is claiming he has been libelled.
Justice Hrabinsky had no concern for the Ross Children or Brian Dueck. Along with a handful of corrupt judges he engaged in the cover-up of the Satanic Child Abuse cases in Saskatchewan. Jailing Johanna and John Lucas was nothing more then an attempt to silence them and protect Saskatchewan Justice from embarrassment. This pack of radical religious nut case judges left the Ross Twins to be raped. The public has a right to hear the truth. John Lucas has one of Saskatchewan’s famous gag orders on anything he says. If someone had the courage to stand up against this gang of grade 6 bullies 14 years ago the Ross twins and their brother may have received the medical help they needed.
The R v. Lucas case is another corrupt Saskatchewan Justice malicious prosecution. How many is it now? How many millions have been paid in damages as a direct result of these judges covering up the Satanic Child Abuse cases in Saskatchewan. How many more times are the public going to read in a newspaper for the first time that the Government of Saskatchewan has paid damages because of these judges and their corrupted court proceedings and gag orders. The public has a right to hear the truth about Justice Hrabinsky. The public has a right to hear about Johanna Lucas and why she was jailed by Justice Hrabinsky. The public has a right to hear what happened to the Ross children’s parents. What about the children? They were victims of these corrupt court proceedings as were the people maliciously prosecuted in Saskatchewan.
Donald A. McKillop, Q.C.
...Mr Lucas was saying was scandalous, frivolous & vexatious.........
All the files and documents that prove what Mr Lucas was saying was true beyond any question were ordered by Richard Quinney, Director of Public Prosecutions, in February 1994 to be gathered up and sent to Mr. Don McKillop, Crown Prosecutor, Saskatchewan Justice, Civil Division. There is nothing civil about this department. Mr McKillop made no disclosure that two full wards of the court were being raped and sodomized. Mr McKillop seems to think that he can buy silence with million dollar payoffs but when it comes to the Ross twins they are manipulated into accepting a pittance for their silence by the very people that gained millions by their recanting on national television.
The full story at saskatchewanjustice.ca PROUD TO BE CORRUPT
Michael London Ross
...They were required to lie in a Canadian court room with the full knowledge of the Crown.........
Michael London Ross was not guilty of raping, sodomizing and torturing his twin sisters. He was a 10 year old child in need of help that was not provided to him by the people entrusted with his care. All three children had told the people in charge of them that they were not sexually abused by anyone. The children told the people in charge of them that they had lied in court. This is all documented in disclosure withheld from the court and buried by gag orders and media publication bans. Does anyone in Canada not understand what the children were required to do? They were required to lie in a Canadian court room with the full knowledge of the Crown.
The children were manipulated and used not only by the people in charge of them. The CBC news program the Fifth Estate, Scandal of the Century, originally broadcast on January 23, 2002. The program was not about what happened to these children, it was a documentary about the Kvello and Klassen families. The CBC were at the home of John Lucas preparing the documentary and when Mr Lucas heard they were going to have a segment where the children were apologizing to Richard Klassen. John Lucas asked them all to get out of his house. The warning by Mr Holgate about people ending up hating each other came true.
Injustice in The First-degree
Hathway W5, John Lucas: Up-date
Lucas: Sick justice
Milgaard, Lucas and corrupt judges
Judges: Judicial Gangsters, Common Thieves & blackmailers
Saskatoon of “What can we do?” Its, where do we start?
Hathway& John Lucas: Creditability of the Court of Queen’s bench is in Question
Lucas and Ross Children: It’s the tears
Je Me Souviens
Lucas & Hathway: Lawyers Needed in Saskatchewan
John Lucas: Strategy of Deception?
The Court of Queen’s Bench is a Sick Joke
Up-date: JOHN Lucas is allowed to talk to a lawyer - Next pre-trial February 16th 2006 Jury trial set for October 2nd, to 13th, 2006.
R v. Lucas - next Pre-Trial Conference - December 9, 2005
Injustice in The First-degree - John Lucas
Up-Date: A fair trial for John Lucas
Where is the news media, waiting for a publication ban?
John Lucas conditions of recognizance (Gag Order) Feb, 1994
Justice L. A. Kyle’s January 8th 2004 Gag Order
CCLA News: Supreme Court upholds criminal defamation
The Persecution of John Lucas 1993 - 2005 Home Page
CCLA - Other Interesting Sites
Q.B. No. 616, 2007